Monday, July 18, 2011

Another Brimfield Adventure

This weekend we took another adventure to the Brimfield Antiques Show.  Usually I go with a list, because let's face it, there is just too much to see if you do not have a plan!  But, this time I had only one thing on my list...and I got it, from the exact seller that I wanted to visit to get it from :-)


A mid-century Ice-O-Mat ice crusher.  I cannot wait to make a nice cool summer drink with some crushed ice.

I also picked up some Bakelight dice and made these...

Two necklaces!

The day was a fantastic hit and we had a fun time, even though it was hot, it was very worth it!

And after hours of wandering around looking at things like this...

We took a rejuvenating rest and looked at this...

It was quite helpful!

What would be on your list at a giant antiques market?


  1. Brimfield looks so magical. I've been longing for an old card catalog for storing craft supplies...

  2. Well, if you're looking for it they probably have it. You should head up there for the coming Brimfield in September. Here is a link to a great card catalog re-do...

