Tuesday, July 26, 2011

More Sandwich Sets...

A friend of mine moved to Ohio the other week, so I was in a tizzy trying to finish three lunch sets she had ordered for family for Christmas.  It was fun to pick out fabric to match the different personality of each individual receiving one.  Everything from girly-girl pink, to toned down autumnal orange.  I think they turned out pretty well....

This time, instead of wrapping them up in brown paper, I wrapped them in their napkins.  Since my friend who ordered them had not seen the fabrics yet, I thought it would be silly to wrap them when she would have to unwrap and re-wrap them all over again!  I think I liked this better...

I attached some of my new business cards to the front along with a care instruction card.  I hope they like them!  

What do you prefer....the self-wrapping in the napkin, or the brown craft paper?


  1. Love those adorable new business cards!

  2. Thanks Carole Ann! I had them made up at Vista Print. It took me forever to decide what they should look like, but I decided simple was best.
