When I was home over Christmas, my mom and I decided to go on a treasure hunt through a bunch of old canisters and bins full of buttons from my great grandmas. Some of them were still attached to their original packages, and others were hanging loose.
Mom taught me this great little secret and I thought it was well worth sharing. As I sat there with my button treasures she disappeared and immerged with a box of denture cleaning tablets. So, we put the buttons in teacups and bowls (don't put in too many, make sure there is room to agitate them), added water, dropped in a denture tablet, agitated them a little, and waited. After the fizzyness of the denture tablets dissipated, we rinsed them well and laid them on a towel to dry. And...Voila!!!! Dry buttons that no longer stink!
I do warn however, that not all buttons may react favorably to this type of cleaning. We put one in that had some metal and paint on it and the paint started chipping off. So, decide carefully if the chance of losing a few buttons is worth making a whole bunch of them more useful!
Do you have any great secrets to dealing with vintage materials?